LineageII Demure High Five 75x


Game Information

Game Version High Five Crafter Mid Rate
EXP x75
Drop x10
Spoil x10
Adena x10
Quest Drop x3
Normal Enchant 50%
Blessed Enchant 50%
Safe Enchant +3
Max Enchant +16
Max Accounts / IP 3 Accounts


Premium Rates

EXP x190
Drop x25
Spoil x25
Adena x25
Normal Enchant 65%
Blessed Enchant 65%
Foundation %13
Crafter +%15
K.E. x7
Events x3
Autofarm Active
GoToMob Active
Buff +30 Active
Infinite SS Active
Infinite Talismans Active
Auto-Potion For Adenas Active



Queen ant Level: 80 24 +8/-8
Core Level: 80 24 +8/-8
Orfem Level: 80 24 +8/-8
Baium Level: 80 7 Days 24 +8/-8
Beleth 7 Days 24 +8/-8
Valakas 7 Days 24 +8/-8
Antharas 7 Days 24 +8/-8
Max Character in Zone Boss 1 For IP



Period End Day 1 / 11 / 22
Max Enchant +12
Olympiad Trainer Active Yes
Points For Olmpiad Trainer 1 Points
Commands Active Yes
1x1 FREE 4 Player
1x1 Class Offline
3x3 Team Offline
Oly Commands .seeres / .oly / .status / .equip


Siege and TW

Siege Time Every Sundays
TW Time Every Saturdays
Max Wards For Castle 4
Max Character in Zone Siege 1 For HWID
Max Same Clan in Zone Siege 27
Anti-Zerg Active Yes


Game Commands

.offbuff Open store buffs
.autofarm Open Premium Auto Farm Interface
.autoplay Open Free Auto Farm Interface
.report Report a suspicious bot player
.crafter Command used to use our new item creation system
.buffshop Summon a summon to sell your buffs.
.menu Panel where the player can turn off or turn on various functions of our server.
.chaos Enter our Chaos Zone, you can stay 2 hours a day in this zone.
.mchaos Enter our Chaos Zone for magicians, you can stay 2 hours a day in this zone.
.fchaos Enter our Chaos Zone for fighters, you can stay 2 hours a day in this zone.
.peace Enter our Peace Zone, you can stay 2 hours a day in this zone.
.mpeace Enter our Peace Zone for magicians, you can stay 2 hours a day in this zone.
.fpeace Enter our Peace Zone for fighters, you can stay 2 hours a day in this zone.
.autoenchant Opens our over enchant system, enchant several items at the same time.
.vote Opens our vote system.
.sige See the siege time or register your clan
.aa Exchange your seal stones for AA automatically.
.pvp Enter our pvp zone, there you will find many bosses and exclusive prizes.
.gomagma Go for a new challenge, kill dragons that invaded our chaos zone
.oly Shows all players who are first in the oly ranking.
.online See how many players are online right now.
.stats See how your resistance and status are.
.status See a player's status, he has to be in your target
.seeres Look at a player's resistance, he has to be in his target
.equip See all of a player's items, they have to be in their target
.regoly Register with oly wherever you are.